About Ocean Global Future

red and white cargo ship at middle of ocean
red and white cargo ship at middle of ocean

Ocean Global Future is a leading ship owner, ship manager, port agency, and crewing manager in Indonesia. With over a decade of experience, we provide tailored maritime solutions and services to meet the specific requirements of our clients. As a fully licensed crewing company, we have earned an excellent reputation for providing Indonesian officers and crew worldwide for renowned international tankers, bulk, and cruise companies.

We are

Ocean Global Future, founded in 2008, is a leading fully licenced ship owner, ship manager, port agency and crewingmanager in Indonesia for domestic and international ship owners, Ocean Global Future offers and to and maritime solutions and service tailored to spesific requitments of its clients. it is a member of THE PSU Group

Ocean Global Future is a fully licenced crewing company providing Indonesian officers and crew worldwide for renowned international tankers, bulk, and cruise companies, We are 100% owned and have earned an Excellent reputation providing crew management service

Ocean Global Future aspire to leadership in every undertalking on which we embark by remaining honest and true in our commitments, to the security of lives and propertyin our care.


Ship Ownership

Ship Management

Port Agency

Collaboration, Communication, Project Management, Creativity, Common sense

We are strong in